It’s that time of year again! Resolutions being made and goals being set with that optimism that comes with the start of every new year. What about you? Are you a goal setter? Got any resolutions you’re already struggling to stick to? Or are you not bothered with any of that and just going to take 2022 day by day and see what surprises it brings? (Let’s face it, after the last couple of years who knows what will happen in this one?) Whichever side of the ‘new year goal setting’ camp you sit on I thought I’d let you know some of my ‘intentions’ for the year. I’m guessing the title of the blog might have already given them away, but stick with me if you want me to expand on them a little…


Why am I calling them intentions and not goals? Well, over the years I’ve found it better to keep my goals to myself. I’m a bit of an audacious goal setter. And that’s not a bad thing! I’m sure some of you are reading this and thinking you should always dream big and it’s true, you should. The problem is sometimes when you set yourself these grand goals and they don’t come off but you’ve already told the world about them, you can end up looking like a bit of a douche. Trust me, that’s from first-hand experience.

Instead of sharing my goals with the world, I’ve shared them with some close friends in my creative network and I’d advise you to do the same. It’s important to have a few trusted people in your circle to help keep you accountable for your goals. But remember to choose your circle wisely!

Anyway, whether you’re into setting goals or not I think it’s important to have some basic intentions for your year, even if that’s just to be a better person than you were the year before. So that’s what I’m going to share with you here! My intentions as an artist and human being moving forward with Creative Nowhere Land.

Exploring leads to learning! I want to explore myself much more as a human being and as a creative artist this year. Explore more of my psychology and what makes me ‘tick’, good and bad and how I represent that creatively. But, not only looking at my own creativity and processes in the work that I produce but also exploring the ideas, processes, and creativity of the people, fellow artists and things that inspire and have influenced me along the way.

We all have the ability to inspire others with our words and actions. And, we all have a story to create and to tell that we may have no idea is inspiring someone else. By sharing more of the journey I’m on with Creative Nowhere Land and sharing ideas and work from other fellow humans who inspire me, I hope that this can inspire others on their journey, whatever that might be. Whether that’s other aspiring creatives or anyone looking to try and live the life they want to.

To create! Since starting Creative Nowhere Land I’ve not been consistent in my creating. A global lockdown and pandemic, a breakup, focusing on my commercial photography business etc etc. Lots of excuses basically for not creating as much as I should. But, I’ve worked hard in the last year to get myself and my business back to a place I’m happy with so, now it’s time to create and share more here in Creative Nowhere Land. Time to get exploring and use what I find as inspiration for the things I create. Creating is the most important of all of these intentions for me! It doesn’t even matter what that is as long as I’m creating because it’s true! Art has no rules! And we all need reminding of that sometimes.

So there you are! My intentions for the coming year. Explore! Inspire! Create! What about you? I’d love to hear some of your intentions for your year, and if I can help in some way then please let me know. In the meantime thanks for reading the first blog post of 2022 and thanks for being a part of the journey. If you haven’t already then please consider signing up to the newsletter below to stay up to date with everything going on here in Creative Nowhere Land and until next time! Keep Creating!