Well, that got your attention, didn’t it? I hate to disappoint you if you’ve found yourself here under false pretences. I’m sure another quick Google search will find you exactly what you’re looking for haha! As for the rest of you, I’m sure you’re here for the art and not just the provocative title of the blog, right? Well, whatever your reason for being here, let me show you some of my ‘Free Nudes’.
The nude, as we’ve discussed previously, can be a contentious subject for some people. Some find nudity beautiful and empowering and well, some don’t! Something I’ve been thinking about for a while is how the medium and representation of a nude can change how it’s received by its viewers. For example, is a painting of a nude perceived differently from a photograph? Or, how about an abstract nude over one based more on realism?
Yes, of course, it all depends on the painting and also the photograph but, I'd argue that the answer is yes. With a painting, I feel it’s easier for the viewer to naturally separate themselves from some sort of reality, whereas with a photograph we’ve come to understand is irrefutably a moment in ‘real-time’. Therefore does that play on some engrained moralistic or puritanical idea that perhaps we shouldn’t be looking at it?
Similarly with realism versus an abstract nude. Does the abstraction make it easier for the viewer to digest? Well, this is an idea that I got to experiment with recently on my shoot with, art nude model, Rebecca Perry. Creating more abstract-based nudes, using a photographic technique called ‘Free Lensing’. And now you know where the overtly ‘clickbaity’ title came from!
Free lensing is a fun technique! It’s pretty simple and can be done with any camera with a detachable lens. The idea is that you expose an image while the lens is removed from the camera body. Madness right?
All sorts of interesting effects can be achieved if you experiment. Selective focus areas, light leaks, vignetting and blurring can give the images an almost vintage or dream-like quality. It’s also a great technique to let go of some of the technical aspects of photography and just surrender to the creativity that free lensing allows. The results can be beautiful as you can see below. It was all done in camera too. No photoshop (apart from colour grading)!
So you’ve seen some of the series in colour. What about a set in black and white? Does that change how you view the images? Are the black and white images more synonymous with ‘art photography’ or do you not think it makes a difference? These are all questions I’m pondering. So, if you do want to contribute, I’d love to know your answer, so be sure to drop me an email.
How the nude is perceived is an interesting subject, and one that I’m sure opinions will conflict on, as we’ve discussed in previous blogs. I think that’s the same with any art form though. But, the subject of the nude, seems more polarised. We all have natural tastes and biases. There are so many contributing factors that can define them and, in turn, our perception of a piece of art.
As we’ve already highlighted, a painting may be perceived differently from a photograph. The same with an abstract piece versus a more realistic interpretation of an idea. What about the artist? When shooting a nude, for example, does it make a difference if the photographer is male or female? Or does it depend on the gender of the model? How about the title of the work maybe? If a piece is given a more provocative title, then what does that do to our perceptions of it?
I guess the list is endless of things that could contribute to whether the viewer can connect in some way with a piece of art! And that’s what it’s all about, connection. So all artists can do is keep experimenting and creating, and leave the viewers to be the judge and form their own ideas about the work. So that’s what I’m going to keep on doing! And I hope that some of you can connect with the art that I create.
Thanks, as always, for reading the blog and following me on the Creative Nowhere Land journey. Be sure to reach out on social media or via email if you have any views on the perception of the nude in any art form. Or, even if you just want to say hello. And if you haven’t already, then consider signing up for the newsletter to stay up to date with all things Creative Nowhere Land (see below).
I appreciate every one of you that takes the time to like or support CNL in any way!
Until next time.
On a side note. I’ve had a few messages about the kit I use when I’m shooting. I’m a firm believer that it’s not the kit you’re working with that creates a good image, it’s the artist. But, here are some links below to some of my camera equipment for those who asked: