Change is coming, bringing a wave of excitement to Creative Nowhere Land! It’s time for a bold new chapter in the journey, with a fresh website design on the way, a brand new inspiring podcast and a much more universal new blog that focuses more on helping you, the viewer. The aim is to elevate your creative experience and, hopefully, provide you with even more value and inspiration on whatever journey you’re on. Whether you're a long-time follower or new to the community, dive in and explore what's coming next for Creative Nowhere Land and why it’s important to embrace change.

You might've read my recent blog post about ‘TRYING SOMETHING DIFFERENT’. I spoke about the epiphany that I had. Wanting Creative Nowhere Land to be less about me, and more of a place for anyone to come and get some inspiration and motivation. Well, I’ve been quietly working away in the background and I’m thrilled to announce an exciting transformation coming to the Creative Nowhere Land website! As part of my commitment to providing an inspiring and engaging space for all creative and entrepreneurial souls, I’m embarking on a journey to redesign, transform and enhance CNL online.

So what’s changing and why? I hear you ask. Well, let’s get into some of the changes and new features…


The first thing that’s changing is the website design. A completely new look that will hopefully make it easier for you to navigate around. Less is more is the idea. Highlighting the new features and hopefully making you want to explore.


The brand new CNL Podcast. That’s right! It’s finally close to being released and I can’t wait for you to hear it. I’ve been recording episodes for a while now, and have been lucky enough to speak to some incredibly fascinating and inspiring people. Each episode will delve into the minds of everyone from artists, entrepreneurs, world-class athletes, designers, musicians, and storytellers, offering you insider insights, tips, and motivation to fuel your own creative journey. Whether you’re commuting, working out, or simply relaxing, I hope the podcast will be your new companion for creative inspiration.

You can read more about why I’m starting the podcast here… ‘I’M STARTING A PODCAST’


The CNL Blog will be taking a different direction. Less about me, and more about helping add value to, you, the person actually viewing the website. Having spoken to so many creatives, entrepreneurs or anyone trying to achieve their goal for that matter, the problems and challenges we all seem to face are universal. We all go through things like imposter syndrome, creative block etc. I want the CNL Blog to be a place that you can jump in, and get some inspiration about overcoming these hurdles.

I’ll leave the blogs I’ve already written live, but watch this space moving forward… I’ll cover a wide range of topics, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Plus, the new blog format will make it easier for you to find the content you want, with an improved reader-friendly design.


At the heart of this redesign is my unwavering commitment to adding more value to your experience. I’ve listened to your feedback and reflected on my journey, and now I’m ready to present a Creative Nowhere Land that revolves more around you. With a sleek new website design, the launch of the inspiring CNL Podcast, and a revitalized blog focused on addressing your creative and entrepreneurial challenges, CNL is here to support and inspire you every step of the way. Whether you're navigating through creative blocks, seeking motivation, or simply looking for a spark of inspiration, Creative Nowhere Land is evolving to meet your needs. I want us all to succeed.

Thanks for the support. I’m always interested to hear more of your thoughts on the direction of Creative Nowhere Land. So if you haven’t already, consider signing up for the newsletter to stay up to date with everything and to be the first to know when the new website launches.

It’s an exciting new path. Here’s to embracing change. And, until next time…