Posts in INSPIRE

As creatives we all have doubts! I’ve spoken a lot about ‘Imposter Syndrome’ and how, in some cases, it can hold us back from the life that we want. It happens to all of us, and one of the best ways to combat that nasty voice of doubt in your head is to take action. More doing and less thinking! (Thinking vs Doing). So, when the voice inside my head started piping up again recently, that’s exactly what I did. Less thinking and more doing, and I’m so glad I did! As maybe here is some evidence that I’m not quite the imposter I thought. I present ‘Exhibit RBSA’ to the court…

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Firstly, what is a muse? Is a muse simply the source of an artist or creator’s inspiration or, is it much more complex? Over time, the term ‘muse’ has become a bit contentious for some. Often portrayed as female, ‘The perception of the muse is that of a passive, powerless model, at the mercy of an older artist.’ But is this really the case, or should we be rethinking this outdated and simplified idea around the subjects that have inspired some of the world’s great art?

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I started Creative Nowhere Land because I was in a rut! Well, more of a creative black hole to be much more melodramatic about the whole thing! I'm sure I'm not the only one who's felt like this. It can happen to every creative from time to time where you just feel a little stuck for ideas!

Now, if you’re feeling a little like that, and are in need of some tips and tricks to help you stay creative, then you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to share with you ‘7 Ways to Stay Creative’. These 7 ideas come from a longer list of ‘25 Ways to Stay Creative’ that I'm sharing as a free downloadable poster that anyone can use. So, be sure to read to the end to find out how to get your free copy!

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Groundbreaking, provocative images. Cinematic and erotically charged narratives that, throughout his 50-year career, were a mainstay of the pages of Vogue as well as many other publications. His images pushed the boundaries of fashion, art and advertising helping revolutionise photography forever. A photographer that hated political correctness, who merged fashion photography with fetishism and nudity which earnt him the nickname ‘The Father of the Nude’ and ‘The King of Kink’. His images, often controversial, conflict opinions still to this day with some calling them empowering and some misogynistic. ‘A gun for hire’ or a great artist? Whatever your opinion, for me, he is undoubtedly one of the most inspiring and greatest photographers of all time. There is only one Helmut Newton!

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What is art? I know that’s a big, debatable and somewhat philosophical question but I’m serious, what constitutes art for you? As an artist and creative, it’s something I’ve obviously thought about and looked into quite a lot over the years. But, I thought I’d Google it and see what the internet seemed to think. The answer I got is probably as debatable as the question itself but, here it goes… According to Wikipedia, ‘Art is something that can stimulate an individual's thoughts, emotions, beliefs or ideas in some way through the senses’. Well, that’s very broad and all-encompassing, right? So my next question is…What is ‘good’ art?

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We’re all on a journey! But, sometimes we become so focused on the future destination that we can forget where we’ve been and the things that have led us to the point in time where we are now. I think it’s important to reflect and look back at your story, and that journey, from time to time as a reminder to yourself of how you got here and how far you’ve come. Well, I had the chance to reflect on my own story recently, and take a trip down memory lane, when I was asked to be a guest on a podcast called ‘Career Advice for the Clueless’.

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INSPIREMatt Wilson

It’s that time of year again! Resolutions being made and goals being set with that optimism that comes with the start of every new year. What about you? Are you a goal setter? Got any resolutions you’re already struggling to stick to? Or are you not bothered with any of that and just going to take 2022 day by day and see what surprises it brings? (Let’s face it, after the last couple of years who knows what will happen in this one?) Whichever side of the ‘new year goal setting’ camp you sit on I thought I’d let you know some of my ‘intentions’ for the year. I’m guessing the title of the blog might have already given them away, but stick with me if you want me to expand on them a little…

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Have you ever felt like you’re a little misunderstood? Maybe you think about or see the world differently or your ideas and ways of expressing them are sometimes lost on the people around you? Or you feel like perhaps, you’re just not ‘normal’? Well… I’m here to tell you that I feel all of them but I’m trying my very best to embrace it because I’ve realised that I’m definitely not normal and neither are you!

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INSPIREMatt Wilson

What’s your art about? What are you trying to say? Have you found your ‘artistic voice’? Some big questions there so I’ll give you a minute to think about them… If you answered all of those questions with ease then hats off to you but, for some artists, me included, these questions might not be so easy to answer. But first and foremost let’s start with the main question, what the hell is your ‘artistic voice’ anyway?

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INSPIREMatt Wilson

Happiness is Bullshit! Look, I don’t believe this really for one second. I’m genuinely a pretty happy person and love my life for all of its ups and downs but, with blog titles like ‘Handle with Care’ and 'Melancholia’, I can see how you might think otherwise. I get it! Trust me I do, and I’m not unaware of the fact that the subject matter I’ve chosen to share with you here in Creative Nowhere Land, albeit sporadically, has been a little heavy or emotional and maybe not the most comfortable of reading for some of you. But what I will say is that it’s been honest!

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INSPIREMatt Wilson

What are you afraid of? What am I afraid of? I’m not talking about standard or everyday fears like heights, spiders, ‘insert the phobia of your choice here’. Obviously, some of those fears are sensible and supposed to be healthy mechanisms in our lives to keep us safe. But, if you look a little deeper, are some of your fears actually just holding you back from achieving what it is you really want in life?

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INSPIREMatt Wilson

Are you exhausted? Emotionally, physically and mentally? Have you lost all motivation and can’t seem to get it back? I know this sounds like the start of one of those awful American infomercials that’s about to try and sell you some wonder drug cure but, stay with me, it’s not… Burnout! It’s one of the buzzwords of the moment and now, unfortunately, I understand why. I burnt out! So, what’s burnout? How’s it impacted me? And what can you do to try and reset and reignite some fire?

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INSPIREMatt Wilson

Are you an artist? What qualifies a person to be an artist? When is it OK to start calling yourself an artist? These are questions that I’m sure every creative person has asked themselves at one point or another throughout their journey. I guess, like art, it’s subjective and it depends on how you define it right? Do you have to have a degree in art, exhibit your work in galleries, achieve awards, recognition and fame from the art establishment, make money from your art, wear a beret and talk shit or are you an artist through the simple act of creating? It’s a minefield really and a question I’ve contemplated myself many times… Am I an artist? But why do I or anyone creative for that matter even question it! Oh yeah, that’ll be that evil beast, Imposter Syndrome! ‘What’s that?’ I hear you ask! Well, we’ll go into all of that and I’ll share a few helpful tips on kicking its evil ass! But first, let’s try and define what an artist is!

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INSPIREMatt Wilson

Welcome, Bienvenue, Welkom, Bienvenido to Creative Nowhere Land! Where the drugs are free and the Ribena flows on tap! Just kidding of course! Ribena! On tap! That’s madness haha! But seriously, thanks for stopping by! Relax and take a wander around. Kick-off your shoes, dip your toes in the water and come and sample some of the creative treats that this visual and artistic destination has to offer. If you’re into art, creativity, you love to explore and get inspired then there’s no need for a visa or border control here! In fact, we operate an open border policy and EVERYONE is welcome in Creative Nowhere Land so what are you waiting for? Jump right in!

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