There’s something about being recognised for our pursuits and endeavors that just feels good. Especially as a creative. No matter what we might say outwardly, I think we all crave some sort of validation and connection with others. Something to tell us that we’re on the right path, however slowly it may be taking us to walk it. I recently had one of those moments...
That moment came in the form of an email. And as a result, I’ve got some exciting news to share with you all. I’ve received not just one, but TWO honorable mentions in the 19th Pollux Photography Awards! And to top it all off, two of my images will be showcased in an exhibition at the Fotonostrum Gallery in Barcelona this December.
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Do you have a love/hate relationship with social media? Choosing the right platform? Always having to be active, staring at a screen to keep up the small bit of engagement you might have? Or do you have a huge following and can’t get enough of social media? Either way, building Email Newsletter Subscribers might still be a game-changer for artists and creators in 2023.
I started an Email Newsletter in the very early stages of Creative Nowhere Land. But, I’ll be honest, I didn’t realise the potential advantages of really trying to get people to sign up. Until now! So, I’ve been going a little deeper into this topic, about the power of building your email newsletter subscribers versus relying solely on social media platforms. And, I’m learning how it can, potentially, make a huge difference in your artistic journey.
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Strummer’s Law states, “No Input, No Output.” Named after a quote by the lead singer of The Clash, Joe Strummer, it’s a law that all of us creatives probably need to follow if we’re not already. Meaning that without a constant flow, or regular updates of inspiration into our lives, ideas can run out. Leading to yes, you guessed it, no output! It’s like a circle. We need to feed our imaginations with input, in order to have ideas and to create the output. So, that was the mission this week… Input!
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There’s a certain beauty that you can find in the darkness. A level of humanity and emotion that we all go through, and that most of the time we try to battle against. But why? Why fight against a part of us that is so integral to knowing the ‘real’ person that we are? We've all got both a light and a dark side of us. It's that dark side that's always interested me. Renowned psychologist Carl Jung called it the ‘shadow’. The unconscious and disowned parts of our personalities that the ego fails, or doesn’t want, to see, acknowledge, and accept. But, what if, by learning to accept and understand our shadow side we can, in some sense, make peace with it? Instead of fighting it, we can use it to our advantage. Now, this isn’t a blog telling you how to confront your own psychological shadow side but more a blog about the possible inspiration it can give you when you do…
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As an artist, developing a strong personal brand can help you stand out from the crowd, attract new fans, and establish a lasting connection with your audience so you’re remembered. A well-defined brand can help you communicate your unique style, values, and creative vision to the world. All of this is very true and worth paying attention to, but, a bit heavy, right? When does a brand really become a brand? When it’s got ‘merch’ that’s when! So, I teamed up with JDR Branding and we made some merch!
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Social Media! Now there’s a subject! I don’t know about you, but I have a kind of ‘Love/Hate’ relationship with it. Social media can be the provider of so much good stuff and inspiration but, on the flip side can be a source of a lot of nonsense, time-wasting, and, in today’s world, seems to be all-consuming. But, like anything, it’s how you use it right? Although, it seems so many people crave that dopamine hit that social media validation and the digital world can provide, simply through the tap of a screen. But, are we simply becoming blinded by the ‘likes’, comparison culture, and our own sense of self-importance… (He says, writing a blog about himself and his own sense of self-importance! The irony isn’t lost on me.)
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As creatives we all have doubts! I’ve spoken a lot about ‘Imposter Syndrome’ and how, in some cases, it can hold us back from the life that we want. It happens to all of us, and one of the best ways to combat that nasty voice of doubt in your head is to take action. More doing and less thinking! (Thinking vs Doing). So, when the voice inside my head started piping up again recently, that’s exactly what I did. Less thinking and more doing, and I’m so glad I did! As maybe here is some evidence that I’m not quite the imposter I thought. I present ‘Exhibit RBSA’ to the court…
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Sometimes it’s not the end product that matters, it’s the process. Simply enjoying the act of making and creating something, for the sake of, well, making and creating something! When you're a professional creative it's always about the end product or meeting a brief. And sometimes creating for creating's sake goes out the window. We all have bills to pay! But, there are so many benefits to it. So, when was the last time you created something simply for the fun of it?
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We've all been there! Relationships end. Heartbreaks happen, and people change. But, what do you do with the relics of a relationship? And I mean, both the physical and the psychological. Do you destroy them? Bury them deep inside yourself perhaps? Or, do you embrace them, use them and learn from them? Let's face it, it's rare that anyone escapes life without some sort of pain or suffering. But, with pain and suffering comes an opportunity, if we so choose, to learn more about ourselves and grow. To become stronger and really see what we are capable of.
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There’s a strange thing that happens when you start to create something. And that’s not just art! The Mind Games start! Is this a good idea? Will it work? What will people think etc? We’ve spoken about it before. Imposter Syndrome can kick in and all those questions, fears and doubts can take over. And, in some cases stop you from even starting that thing you had in your mind! I’m here to tell you, once again, to ignore those fears and do it anyway! Take action and create!
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Do you ever find yourself thinking about all the things you’d like to do, rather than well, actually doing them? Or maybe you’ve got loads of half-started projects left unfinished occupying valuable space in your brain? And, as time goes on, the ideas and the projects mount up, until you’re not even sure which ideas are good, which to start or which to finish, and you end up spiralling into frustration and crippled by all of the creative possibilities? Well, I do! And I’m sure I’m not the only one. So, I figured I’d explore a few ways of remedying this frustrating problem I’m having, and maybe some of the tips might help you as well if you’re suffering from the same thing.
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Firstly, what is a muse? Is a muse simply the source of an artist or creator’s inspiration or, is it much more complex? Over time, the term ‘muse’ has become a bit contentious for some. Often portrayed as female, ‘The perception of the muse is that of a passive, powerless model, at the mercy of an older artist.’ But is this really the case, or should we be rethinking this outdated and simplified idea around the subjects that have inspired some of the world’s great art?
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Well, that got your attention, didn’t it? I hate to disappoint you if you’ve found yourself here under false pretences. I’m sure another quick Google search will find you exactly what you’re looking for haha! As for the rest of you, I’m sure you’re here for the art and not just the provocative title of the blog, right? Well, whatever your reason for being here, let me show you some of my ‘Free Nudes’.
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Self-perception! It’s an interesting subject. How do you see yourself? But, perhaps a more interesting question is how do others see you? Are you the person you think you are to the people around you?
Let’s face it, we live in a world obsessed, it seems, with what other people think about us. Social media validation seems to be, sadly, like the number one currency right now. But I’ve always been much more interested in what the people in my real life think, rather than the views of people behind a keyboard or screen who, in most cases, I’ll never meet.
I’m interested in people! It’s a subject that I’ve always been interested in. But, after a couple of weeks up an isolated mountain in Spain, with time to reflect on the deeper things in life, it’s a topic I’ve been thinking about much more.
Who are you to the people around you?
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I started Creative Nowhere Land because I was in a rut! Well, more of a creative black hole to be much more melodramatic about the whole thing! I'm sure I'm not the only one who's felt like this. It can happen to every creative from time to time where you just feel a little stuck for ideas!
Now, if you’re feeling a little like that, and are in need of some tips and tricks to help you stay creative, then you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to share with you ‘7 Ways to Stay Creative’. These 7 ideas come from a longer list of ‘25 Ways to Stay Creative’ that I'm sharing as a free downloadable poster that anyone can use. So, be sure to read to the end to find out how to get your free copy!
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Fashions come and go! But naked is always in fashion! Or is it? Well, for one person I recently got the chance to collaborate with, it most definitely is! They’ve made a successful career out of it! International NFT selling, art nude model, Rebecca Perry (
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Groundbreaking, provocative images. Cinematic and erotically charged narratives that, throughout his 50-year career, were a mainstay of the pages of Vogue as well as many other publications. His images pushed the boundaries of fashion, art and advertising helping revolutionise photography forever. A photographer that hated political correctness, who merged fashion photography with fetishism and nudity which earnt him the nickname ‘The Father of the Nude’ and ‘The King of Kink’. His images, often controversial, conflict opinions still to this day with some calling them empowering and some misogynistic. ‘A gun for hire’ or a great artist? Whatever your opinion, for me, he is undoubtedly one of the most inspiring and greatest photographers of all time. There is only one Helmut Newton!
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What is art? I know that’s a big, debatable and somewhat philosophical question but I’m serious, what constitutes art for you? As an artist and creative, it’s something I’ve obviously thought about and looked into quite a lot over the years. But, I thought I’d Google it and see what the internet seemed to think. The answer I got is probably as debatable as the question itself but, here it goes… According to Wikipedia, ‘Art is something that can stimulate an individual's thoughts, emotions, beliefs or ideas in some way through the senses’. Well, that’s very broad and all-encompassing, right? So my next question is…What is ‘good’ art?
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We’re all on a journey! But, sometimes we become so focused on the future destination that we can forget where we’ve been and the things that have led us to the point in time where we are now. I think it’s important to reflect and look back at your story, and that journey, from time to time as a reminder to yourself of how you got here and how far you’ve come. Well, I had the chance to reflect on my own story recently, and take a trip down memory lane, when I was asked to be a guest on a podcast called ‘Career Advice for the Clueless’.
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They say that ‘collaboration is key’ and that ‘two heads are better than one’. I think ‘they’, whoever ‘they’ are, might be right! Collaborating with others can offer up new perspectives or ideas and can help push a project to another level. A level that perhaps you wouldn't have thought of if you only ever work independently. When you find the right people to collaborate with it can be incredibly inspiring, open new doors and maybe push you out of some of your comfort zones. And, that’s exactly what happened to me when I was approached about a visual collaboration by, up and coming, Bristol-based DJ and music producer, JJODA.
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